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Hearty Donuts

Cuisine Type : Fusion
Prepare Time : 1-1.30 hour
Cooking Time : 41-50 minutes
For : 4 Persons
Taste : Sweet

1. Refined flour (maida) 2½ cups + for dusting
2. Milk 1 cup
3. Castor sugar (caster sugar) 2 tablespoons
4. Fresh yeast 15 grams
5. Butter 50 grams
6. Eggs 2
7. Oil to deep fry
8. White chocolate chopped 1½ cups
9. Red Colour a few drops
10. Strawberry jam ¾ cup
11. Colourful edible balls to sprinkle
12. Icing sugar for dusting

How to cook ?
Step 1 : Heat milk in a deep non-stick pan. Add castor sugar and heat till the sugar melts.
Step 2 : Take yeast in a bowl. Add some of the sweetened milk and mix well till yeast dissolves. Set aside.
Step 3 : Sift flour into another bowl and make a well in the centre.
Step 4 : Add butter to the pan and heat further till the butter melts and the milk boils.
Step 5 : Add activated yeast in the well and mix well. Add remaining sweetened milk-butter mixture and mix well.
Step 6 : Separate egg yolks from the whites and add the yolks to the flour mixture. Mix well into a soft dough.
Step 7 : Dust the worktop with some flour, place the dough on it and knead well. Dust a large bowl with flour, place the dough in it, cover with a cling film and place in a warm place for 1 hour.
Step 8 : Dust the worktop again with some flour and place the proved dough on it. Roll out into 1 inch thick sheet. Using large heart shaped cookie cutter cut out heart shapes from the sheet. Place a small heart shaped cookie cutter in the centre of the large ones and cut out so that a hollow area is formed. Use the smaller hearts as well and set aside to prove for 10-15 minutes.
Step 9 : Heat sufficient oil in a kadai. Deep-fry the heart shaped donuts till golden. Drain on absorbent paper.
Step 10 : Melt the chocolate in a microwave for a minute. Remove from heat and mix till smooth. Add food colour and mix well.
Step 11 : Fill a piping bag fitted with a nozzle with strawberry jam and pipe the jam into the smaller donuts from the back.
Step 12 : Drizzle coloured chocolate on the larger donuts and sprinkle colourful balls and stars on top. Dust the jam filled donuts with icing sugar and refrigerate till set.
Step 13 : Drizzle coloured chocolate on the larger donuts and sprinkle colourful balls and stars on top. Dust the jam filled donuts with icing sugar and refrigerate till set.

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